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"Free for Chubbies": Some Vintage Ads about Fatness that I found

Curvy Canadian: "Free for Chubbies": Some Vintage Ads about Fatness that I found

Monday, April 11, 2011

"Free for Chubbies": Some Vintage Ads about Fatness that I found

Hey Guys,

After my Aunt sent me a forward with a bunch of now-politically incorrect ads in it, I was inspired to see what other ads I could find from around the 1950s and 60s of a similar nature regarding being fat. Here's what I found:

What do you all think of these? It makes me question our society's ideologies even more than I already do... What will people be saying about current advertising in 50 or 60 years from now? One ad (or series of ads) that always bugs me is the Special K ads of the woman in the red dress. Urgh. This is just one amongst many, though, and these ads are where our current ones get their lineage. It makes me think that the message hasn't really changed at all - but it's only the method of delivery that has changed (more subtly communicated). Very curious to see what you all have to say! Here's a Special K print ad to show you what I mean:

Salut tout le monde,

Après ma tante m'a envoyé un de l'avant avec une série d'annonces actuellement politiquement incorrect en elle, je me suis inspiré de voir ce que d'autres annonces que j'ai pu trouver à partir des années 1950 et 60 de même nature sur d'être gros. Voici ce que j'ai trouvé. Qu'est-ce que vous pensez tous de ces? Il me fait question idéologies de notre société encore plus que je fais déjà ... Que feront les gens dire au sujet de la publicité en cours dans 50 ou 60 ans? Une annonce (ou une série d'annonces) qui irrite toujours moi, c'est les annonces Special K de la femme à la robe rouge. Urgh. Ce n'est qu'un parmi tant d'autres, cependant, et ces annonces sont ceux où nos actuels reçoivent leur lignée. Il me fait penser que le message n'a pas vraiment changé du tout - mais ce n'est que le mode de livraison qui a changé (plus subtilement communiqué). Très curieux de voir ce que vous avez à dire! Voici une publicité imprimée Special K pour vous montrer ce que je veux dire:

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At Monday, April 11, 2011 5:40:00 PM , Blogger Jessica Dee said...

Dont be too mad, But I kinda like the 50's ones lol Chubbettes, sort of like our nick name on facebook - Curvettes, it's just 60 years later.

I hate the special K ads too!!! They are really annoying here, shes on about her jeans at the moment, but still a red top! <3

At Tuesday, April 12, 2011 12:43:00 PM , Blogger CurvyCdn said...

I could never be mad at you, lol! Yeah, I don't mind the nickname Chubbettes - it's kind of cute, actually, and I think it has great potential for a reclamation. In fact, I hereby dub myself the first "Chubbette" of the 21st century! But there are some things in these ads that are a little bit more insidious...
"Ugly Fat Makes You Old Before Your Time"
"Don't let others think that your will power is as flabby as your flesh [...] win the slender figure rightfully yours."
"Slendering design"
"Fashions to make girls 6 to 16 look slimmer"

Not to mention the Grape Nuts ad with the dowdy plus size woman looking sad, ashamed, and jealous in the background! Yuck. But I do love some of the designs in the first two ads. I actually want dresses like that, lol! Anyone else want to weigh in?

At Saturday, September 29, 2012 7:42:00 PM , Anonymous Mike said...

I don't think ad like these would be acceptable these days. Even though more and more people are overweight. I think bigger girls are beautiful. Big girls should embrace their bigness. Not try to hide it.


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